Monday, January 18, 2010

Creased out

So after the non reply I calmed down for a while.
Thinking oh yeah whatever, another cunt, another day.
But then on Thursday when I went out to IQ,
I was having a good time, dancing the night away.
Then the NONREPLIER appeared.
At first, I was fairly unfazed.
Then as I was leaving, I bumped into NON REPLIER
and I got this face:
Yeah it was AWESOME.
I had that awesome stabby-pain-in-the-stomach-pain
you tend to get when you have the
utter feeling of rejection wash over
In a fit of rage I went home (as planned).
THEN the next day,
I thought to myself, FUCK YOU
I'm going to be a dick an message you
and tell you exactly what I think
of your behaviour
but I will do it in such a way
it makes me look more mature
and you look like a child.
SO I did.
And was completely apologetic about the whole situation that was bubbling away since last week.
Basically asked for my forgiveness and told me why (didn't want to hurt my feelings)
and then yeah so after that said "look i'd like to be friends if you like"
and you know what - sure. I'll forgive.
and I was interested. NOT obsessed (but kind of)
like I can go either way when im interested in someone.
So I'm going down the friends path with this one.
But I'm happy with that.
and I'm happy I didn't bottle my emotions up
- confrontation can be good. :)


  1. Good on you, hon, at least you got the answer now and can move on. Confrontation is usually the way to go.

  2. Jerome.... no way. I have better taste than that.
