Saturday, August 15, 2009

I can do whatever the hell I want

Well this weekend has been awesomely awesome! I had a great party on saturday night at which I got so fucked up it was excellent. It's the kind of party where you walk in, you know a few people - but everyone is totally chill and sitting next to anyone is easy an hour long conversation of trips to germany and "this is how i got that scar" and "look what I can do with my testicles"
It was great.
You'd also expect to turn around and see lady gaga in the corner snorting coke off some rickety old coffee table.
The music was great, dancing all round.

Last night I had a masquerade party which was in romsey in the country - but this guy, his parents bought the old bank on the main street and convrted it into a home - totally awesome! everyone was walking around with masks on, drinking in corners in this victorian style delight of a building. Old people, Young People - it was a great mix of class and un-class. I will say that I look positively fetching in my outfit, this token bathroom photo below demonstrates this:

Mm but then I got home right, thought i'd check my emails and all that jazz - as one does at 3am.
THEN upond logging onto msn, i had three people tell me to "Go to sleep! It's so late! why are you up?"
Um yes but excuse me - you people are up also.
One person said "Look I really wanna talk to you, but its just to late"
I didn't even start the conversation?
I just find it odd and actually quite insulting that these people who are CLEARLY not sleeping - are telling me I should sleep.
Well shut the fuck up, only my mum can tell me to go to sleep.

Oh well boo to all that.
Peace out.

PS brother of mine who is younger - DO NOT tell mum and dad that I did infact get fucked up at this party - let's stick to the "i only had 2 drinks from ecoli infected glass" story.

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