Thursday, December 18, 2008

Yes I slept with your wife and yes I'm pregnant.

So I've been having these recurring dreams. Two in fact.

The first one goes something like this:

I'm sitting on the state library lawn and it's a sunny day. The clouds are floating in the air like cotton wool and the sky is a brilliant blue. For some odd reason the grass is super healthy looking - which is not so typical for Melbourne because of the perpetual drought.
Anyway so I'm sitting next to no one in particular but there are many people around me.
Then suddenly there is some kind of flash and the sky has turned red, it's windy, I can hear the crackling sound of fire and the grass is dead. As I turn to my left I see the person sitting next to me has become a skeleton (along with everyone else) and the skeleton looks toward me and holds up a wine glass filled and holds it up in cheers.
Then I wake up.

Eh I dunno but it's freaking weird if you ask me. It gives me a really terrible feeling after I have this dream.

The second dream involves me walking through a shopping center that is like GPO but it's more like a maze and so many more cafes.
So I'm wondering around and I stumble into this room that this red headed girl is sitting in. She kind of looks like Alice from Australia's Next Top Model - except not so skinny.Now this girl appears in quite a few of my dreams and keeps telling me that I don't understand(???). But she says it in the nicest possible way.
For a bit of a back track - she appeared in a dream I had in Year 11. It was a dream that I was in Japan with Rob and we were hanging out in Tokyo presumably. It turns out that 2 years later when I went to Tokyo - one of the streets in Shibuya that I went to was one I had been to in my dream. But she was there - and she stood out. Obviously.

Anyway yes so those are my interesting dreams - maybe I will dream one of them again tonight. Hopefully not the first one because I don't particularly like that.

Boo to that!

1 comment:

  1. Niko, your dreams may be a little weird but very intriguing! They sound like they hold a thousand meanings.

    But ya, I wouldn't wanna have skeletons in any of my dreams, please.
