Sunday, December 28, 2008

I was so busy being fat that I forgot to invite you! Woops!

Okay so last week a certain individual IM'd me on facebook:

HIM: "Hey how's it going? Thanks for adding me!"

ME: Yeah no problem haha long time coming?

HIM: Yeah I know...hey are you free saturday night?

ME: Yep so far i've got no plans, why?

HIM: We're gonna have a surprise party for ***, wanna come? I need to get numbers.

ME: Yeah sure ill come along, what's the go?

HIM: I dunno yet, i'll send you the details, whats ur number?

ME: ***********

HIM: Sweet I'll message you the details quick smart.


So then I was like okay cool - but this was on monday - and of course christmas came by and I kind of forgot about it - I didn't get any details so it slipped my mind.
Then last night I'm getting messages from people asking if i'm going to this dinner.
meanwhile I'd already made other plans because I never got the details.
anyway I'm thinking gee what's going on here? How come I was the only person not to be invited to this dinner.
Seeing as some of the people who went haven't known the organiser as long as I have.
Like eh whatever.

But then I thought about it - and it just seems really under handed and sneaky to me.
I get the feeling he wanted me to call up and ask him for the details so it seemed like I was desperate.
But you know what - fuck you, I don't need your stupid pity.
Recently I have realised that this whole group are just a bunch of fakes and I honestly am really sick of it.
Sure every week I get asked to come out to the same place with the same group but I just think I've been going along because.
It's so stupid.
I know they probably don't even like me and I honestly don't like half of them because they're all a bunch of empty, shallow people.
Sure there are a few who are okay in that group - but most of them make me sick.

Yeah and they're all a bunch of fucking drug addicts and they look like this one up here ^

But they think they look like this:

Which eh- In my opinion ain't much better.
But oh well if that's what you're going for.

Well new years resolution I guess.

This is a first.

Sorry more of a venting rather than an interesting entry but oh well what can you do.

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