Friday, December 26, 2008

Your layby comes to $60.00 and with a $2.50 service fee that comes up to $62.50, the minimum deposit is $6.00

Hello post christmas sales!

Goodbye dignity!

Hello feral customers!

So today I worked the boxing day sales.

I think that's all I need to say - but unfortunately I will talk in detail about the customers I experienced today - and the customers who experienced me.

Lady 1#

Someone told her she could order something - but it turns out she couldnt because there was absolutely no stock left anyway - indefinately. So when I explain to her that the person who told her had simply made a mistake and I was very sorry, this is what happened:
"But this is customer service!"
"I understand your frustration but no amount of customer service will make your 5-1 swing set appear out of nowhere when it doesn't physically exist."
"Look, I want my FUCKING swing set! I'm a customer!"
The customer commences to throw things and knock pens of the table.

Just so you all know - no amount of throwing pens, yelling, swearing or crying will make items magically appear.

Just so you know - That is what the customer looked like when she got angry and unleashed her inner form.
But she didn't have the ball (too bad for her)

Guy 1 #

"I want free home delivery!"

"Yes im well thank you, How can I help you today?"

"I want free home deliver with this."

*takes reciept*
"Okay - and where abouts do you live? Because our policy states that you need to be within a 20km radius to be eligible for home delivery."

"I'm in sunbury"

"Oh I'm sorry but you'll have to pay a 30 dollar fee - because it's outside the zone."

"NO! That's descrimination! It's the law you have to give it to me?"

"You didn't have to live to far away?"

"Don't you tell me where to live!"

"Okay, well you can't have free delivery."

"I want to talk to a manager!"

*manager comes - rolls eyes - gives customer free deliver*
"Hehe it's christmas just this once!" says manager.

Yes, just this once? Boo whore don't give me that!
Stick to your stupid policy!
It is so demeaning to have the customers look at you with that glint in their eye.
Makes me wanna grab my pen and stab them.

1 comment:

  1. haha you should just totally throw a ball at that customer 1
    she'd probably be (a little) content..

    boo for customers especially at Chrissie periods
    they're bitches!!
    オツカレさん ☆
